If you are a regular visitor, you may have noticed there is a Log In link in the top menu.
Patreon has been doing some weird shit and, like many other creators, I have been considering closing my Patreon account for a while now. Relax! I'm not going to close my Patreon account, but everything on Patreon will soon be in the member section here.
I've setup weekly, monthly and yearly subscriptions, with the yearly subscription being roughly what you would typically pay through Patreon, the other intervals are just for those who don't want to commit to a year. This system keeps history though, so if the system is being abused, I may turf the shorter intervals.
As I begin to export each individual chapter for the eventual re-posting to the free sites, I will put them into member-only posts, with the first FREE chapter(s) of a story available to FREE members, but all subsequent chapters will be available to paid members only, just like they were on my Patreon page.
Your membership will also allow you to provide feedback and make comments on the posts.
Once I finish The Atlantean Federation, I will be re-compiling the edited versions of every chapter and they will be posted here as well as on the free sites.
There is nothing past this point, I only put the subscription message here so you could subscribe if you want to.